Quiz #17, 10:17 a.m., Pastor Scott New York - Kentucky - Virginia New York goes straight to a nice lead by question 5, 80 points to 10 to 0. For the first third of the quiz, NY and KY are dominating the jumps and answers, leaving VA behind. Howevre, at question 7 repeated, Kentucky's coach calls a timeout, hoping to slow down the team's errors. Virginia gets one right, but after a dual appeal from KY's seat 1 and NY's seat 4, the question is thrown out. However, both Kentucky and New York have fallen prey to errors, and Virginia picks up more toss-ups. Stuck on question 8, Kentucky and New York both lose points, Virginia gains a few more. Thankfully, seat 3 from Kentucky moves the quiz on to the next question. After 10, the score is: NY - 90; KY - 40; VA - 30. The quiz is full with errors, but NY gets to 110, and KY gets two right to have 100. The coaches advise their quizzers to slow down. On yet another repeated question, NY gets a free and another 20 points, then calls a time-out. NY has a secured middle with 140, but KY and VA still need to fight it out to decide to final outcome. NY sits and lets the other teams quiz, but still gets a free question. There is another repeated question. NY starts going again, as the outcome is almost 100% sure. The teams go into the last question with the outcome already decided. Seat 3 from NY has just quizzed out, and Pastor Scott asks his question. VA errors and NY gets the last question. Final Score: High, NY with 210; Middle, Kentucky with 100; Low, Virginia with 20