Podcast Season #3, Episode 16

Did you just miss the Michigan tournament? Do you want to know what happened? Listen to Matt and Paul review the tournament. Please email us at podcast@BibleQuizzer.net to let us know what you think. Please give us some more ideas for who can host the show into the future! Oh yeah, click here to listen.

Bible Quiz through the eyes of…J Bish

In 1999, with great anticipation I joined my church’s Bible Quiz team. I tried to start slowly, but I was asked to memorize 41 verses for the first quiz – in one month! The Lord helped me work on my verses each day, and I was surprised at the end to be able not only to memorize them but also …

Bible Quiz through the eyes of…Jenni Young

So here I am, figuring out how in the world to even start in the telling of how Bible Quiz has impacted my life. For me, it’s almost like asking how breathing has impacted my life. I was not your normal quizzer. This isn’t because I had some outrageous skill level (there have always been quizzers more talented) or because …