Podcast Installment #37

This is the second part of a two-part podcast.   Matt and Jesse continue their talking. This time they talked about the top ten rankings of BibleQuizzer.net. They talked about the best teams of the year in Bible Quiz. If you would like to listen, click here. Also, they asserted that they would talk about legacy, elementary, and Jesse’s suggested rule change. …

Podcast Installment #36

This is the first part of a two-part podcast.  Matt and Jesse talked about the AACS Final Four. Some predictable results? They talked about the best month of the year for Bible Quiz. If you would like to listen, click here. Also, they asserted that it went well following the results on BibleQuizzer.net and the twitter page at http://twitter.com/BibleQuizzer. Please …

Podcast Installment #33

Matt and Jesse talked about the SCQANIT teams that are not at AACS.  Some surprising predictions!  They talked about the best month of the year for Bible Quiz.  If you would like to listen, click here.  Also, they asserted that you need to follow BibleQuizzer.net on twitter at http://twitter.com/BibleQuizzer, that is how you can follow the AACS Thursday finals . We are hoping for a specific …