Room #110 Dr. Knapp Round #9 From the quiz master's left to his right: Florida-New York-Wisconsin There are still just five teams left. If Florida (who has no losses) loses, there will be another quiz in the preliminary rounds. Questions: 1. WI gets the error. FL gets the toss up. 2. NY gets the initial jump. 3. Bobby gets the initial jump. 40-20-0 4. Patience from NY wins the initial jump, and answers correctly 40-40-0 5. NY 40-60-0 6. Sarah from WI jumps and answers correctly 7. Bobby gets up with only the reference, it's not enough. WI also errors. NY gets the free question. 7r. NY gets up VERY early, she receives an error. The question is thrown out. Error on the quiz master. 7rr. NY receives an error. WI also errors. FL relaxes for the free question. 50-70-20 7rrr. NY guesses which verse to quote and quotes correctly!!!! 50-70-40 8. FL wins the initial question. 9. WI scores! 10. WI quotes an extremely long verse. 70-70-80 11. NY errors. WI gets the toss up. 70-70-100 12. Error on Sarah from WI. Bobby from FL also errors. NY gets the free question. 12r. Bobby answers a tricky question. 13. Patience from NY gets the initial jump. 90-100-90 This is a very close quiz 14. WI errors. NY gets the toss up. 15. WI quotes correctly. 90-120-100 On question #16 FL and NY are entering the error zone 16. Bobby gets the initial question. 110-120-100 17. Quotes these three verses question. WI makes an error. NY jumps on the toss up and misses it. FL scoops up the free points. 120-110-90 Error on the quiz master 17r. NY gets the initial jump. 18. WI wins the initial jump and answers correctly. 120-130-110 19. WI scores on the initial jump. 120-130-130 This is very very close. 20. NY jumps and makes an error. FL thought WI would sit. WI planned to sit. They seem to have told all but one of their quizzers. There will now be a tie breaker between FL and NY. TB: NY jumps and errors. FL gets the rebound and answers it correctly.