This ought to be an existing quiz seeing we have Wisconsin, New York, and Tennessee here with us now. There are still 6 teams left but only 3 don’t have lows. Tennessee, Colorado, and Florida are the 3 that don’t and Wisconsin, New York, and Kentucky have the lows. They will come back strong. Question 1- Mercy from New York made an error. Ariana from Tennessee made an error also. Now we have a free for Wisconsin and they made it. Question 1 again- Ariana has the jump but she missed it. Mercy from New York also made an error. Wisconsin made the free for 10. Question 1 again- Allison from New York made the initial. Question 2- Grant from Tennessee missed the jump. New York got the rebound. Question 3- Wisconsin has the error. New York also missed the rebound. Now we have a free for Tennessee. Grant got it for 10. Question 3 again- Allison from New York made the correct answer. Question 4- Mercy from New York answered correctly but Tennessee has an appeal. He denied the appeal and the answer stands. Question 5- Mercy gets the quote for 20. Question 6- Cullen Baggett from Tennessee nailed it with a hammer. Question 7- Cullen misses. Wisconsin gets the rebound. Question 8- Cullen again gets up and he gets it. Wisconsin makes an appeal and Mr. Douglas thinks…and he throws the question out. Now we are repeating question 8. Question 8 again- Ariana over jumps and errors. Wisconsin has the rebound jump. He counts it wrong but they make an appeal. He accepts the challenge but wait… Ariana made a counter appeal. He is going to let the answer stand and we have a timeout. The score is Tennessee 10, New York 100, and Wisconsin 60. Tennessee needs to get them right to get ahead. Question 9- Cullen is up fast. He gets it right. Question 10- Cullen over jumps and misses. New York gets the rebound but errors. Free to Wisconsin. Sam is correct for 10. Question 10 again- Mercy gets the initial correct for 20. Question 11- Cullen nails it for 20. Question 12- Cullen is up and he is thinking. He makes it just in time. Question 13- Mercy got the jump but it was an over jump. She errors. Wisconsin gets the rebound and he makes it. Question 14- Ariana kills a quote. Question 15- Cullen is up and he hesitates. He gets an error. Wisconsin gets the rebound. The score is close. Question 16- Cullen makes an error. Mercy from New York also makes an error. Free to Wisconsin and they make it. Timeout for Wisconsin. Oh my the score is Tennessee 60, New York 80, and Wisconsin 120. Question 17- Cullen makes an error. Sam from New York stands up and thinks. He gets it right. Question 17- Mercy made a quote and now the score is 120 Wisconsin, 120 New York, and 50 Tennessee. Question 18- Ariana makes it for 20. Question 19- Ariana makes it again for 20. Question 20- Grant makes it for them but it is their first loss. Tennessee has 110 and there is a tie for the high. Allison for New York erred and Wisconsin wins the high.