Round 1 (Room 106): Indiana (IN), Florida (FL), and New Jersey (NJ) Fl starts out strong with getting the initial jump on the first question, the toss up on the second, and the initial on the 3rd and 4th question. Fl misses on the initial on question 5, as does NJ on the toss up, so the free goes to IN. FL recovers on 5 repeated with a correct finish. Score after 5: 10-120-0 FL is dominating after question 7, after another 2 correct answers. Quizzer 3 for FL quizzes out with a perfect 6! NJ gets the initial right on 8, and IN does the same on 9. On question 10, IN and NJ get the initial and toss up incorrect, so FL gets the free. IN and FL incorrectly finish on 10 repeated, and NJ misses the free. We finally finish 10 with a correct initial from IN! Score after 10: 50-150-20 FL correctly answers the initial of 10 and 11, and NJ does the same for 13 and 14. NJ misses the initial on 15, but IN is quick to get the toss up correct. Score after 15: 90-190-40 16 has to be repeated after incorrect answers from IN and NJ, but 16 repeated, 17, and 18 are answered correctly on the initial by IN. IN and FL miss on 19, but IN gets the initial on 19 repeated with a correct finish. IN misses the initial on 20, but FL gets the toss up correct Final score: IN:140- FL:210-NJ: 30​