So in this first quiz of the day we have Pennsylvania and Tennessee. The quizmaster for this room is Pastor Craig Scott. We were supposed to have a team from Ohio but they have decided not to come and therefore will forfeit. So these two teams are already at an advantage because neither team will get a low you only will have a High and Middle winner. In the first five questions Pennsylvania has two errors and have managed to still get a hundred point lead. Tennessee, through question five, has one error. After question 10, the score is Pennsylvania, 180 and Tennessee, 20. Neither team is in the error zone yet. Pennsylvania is running away with it, and unless Pennsylvania starts to make some mistakes I think this one is just about over, but we’ll have to see what happens. Going into question 15 Pennsylvania is in some error trouble. However since they have a 240 point lead I don’t think it will effect them much. Wow! Pennsylvania was dominant! Pennsylvania has only 3 quizzers and they all quizzed out. The final score was Pennsylvania, 360 and Tennessee, 40. Pennsylvania gets the high, and Tennessee gets the middle.