Podcast Installment #18

Matt and Jesse were two friends talking about Bible Quizzing.  What exactly they talked about…I’m not sure.  But, there were opportunities for prizes by emailing podcast@biblequizzer.net.  If you want to listen to this podcast, click here.  Also, you can now follow BibleQuizzer.net on twitter at http://twitter.com/BibleQuizzer.  If you have any questions, stay tuned, the best is yet to come!!

Podcast Installment #17

We had Aaron Wells talk about the teams at the KIQ-off.  Matt and Jesse peppered him with questions about the quiz and then veered off a little bit, by talking about the benefits of early tournaments, in general.  If you want to listen to this podcast, click here.  Also, you can now follow BibleQuizzer.net on twitter at http://twitter.com/BibleQuizzer.  Please email podcast@biblequizzer.net before the next …

Podcast Installment #16

We had Pastor Dale Massengale from Pleasant View Kentucky on to talk about the quiz year, his great teams, and his wonderful tournament starting tomorrow.  Matt and Jesse veered a little bit, but Pastor Massengale kept them on track.  If you want to listen to this podcast, click here.  Also, you can now follow BibleQuizzer.net on twitter at http://twitter.com/BibleQuizzer.   Next podcast, …