Matt Rexford

1991. Those born in that year are now quizzing at the AACS level, but the reason that year stands as one of the most important in AACS doesn’t have much to do with that. That is the first year that freshmen were allowed to quiz at AACS. While some dispute it, I believe that there was a freshman that year …

Hall of Fame: The New Class

What happened to the Hall of Fame? Who should be in the Hall of Fame? Will ever update the Hall of Fame? Well, you are in luck. In the month of August three new people will be inaugurated into the Hall of Fame. Who are they? Well, you’ll have to come back to see. But, we could have a …

Matt West

If everyone were judged based on percentage of lifespan spent in Bible Quizzing, Matt West would surely be the world champion. From being a six year old winning highest quizzer and mandating a rule change to being the coach sitting behind the most recent AACS champs, it is tough to think of anyone who has done more different things to …