A confused man’s top teams

As I have mentioned before, I am an engineering student. I like numbers, things that are quantifiable, and something that is not so debatable. Then I received a call where I heard that David Douglas was interested in doing a new ranking before AACS and SCQANIT. Now let me say that there is nothing that is less scientific than a …

A Smart Man’s Top Ten

Since George Lindsay has taken a sabbatical, we are in the process of reassigning his tasks. I, for now, will take over The “Smart Man’s Top Ten.” After the Colorado Tournament, here are my thoughts. 1 Pleasant View While there was some debate about this after Athens, after winning in Colorado, I think this team has re-established itself as #1. …

A Smart Man’s Top 10

I am going to write a three part post-Athens’ New Years Classic article. I am unofficially titling the article, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.” Today is the first part–The Good. You will see that these mirror NYC in many ways, but not completely. Brant Callaway and I compiled stats and together came up with a ranking of the …