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| Team Name | Quizzer 1 | Quizzer 2 |
1 | GV- Volunteer Badgers Strike Back | Johnathan Swaffer | Cullen Baggett |
2 | GF- Mo' Bettah | Elise Sutherland | Kenzie McGregor |
Here are the Championship Scoresheets |
3 | GG- Dominating Doppelgängers | Larissa Downs | Sydney Downs |
4 | RR- The Angel and the Whiney Prophet | Gabriel Unger | Jonah Unger |
5 | RE- I Still Know What You Did Last Summer | Dalton Croy | David Poston |
6 | GI- We're Just A Pair In A Full House | Alyx Downs | Nathaniel Downs |
Here are the standings from the Top 6 |
7 | RG- The Dead In Christ | Steve Kennedy | Sascha Mosshammer |
8 | RH- Before and After | Jack Bamford | Calvin Pettyjohn |
9 | GJ- Sauce and the Boss | Carson Balka | Nathaniel Sheets |
10 | GU- David and Goliath | Carson Ziemer | William Henderson |
11 | GR- Paper meets Scissors | Esther Carnell | Emma Unger |
12 | RJ- The Star Bellied Sneetches | Michael Balka | Kierstin Balka |
13 | RL- Salt and Light | Joshua Floyd | Micah Floyd |
14 | GE- A Work of Faith | Allison Brooks | Andrea Phillips |
15 | RU- BRLFQ 13 O'clock | Nacho West | Kevin McMindes |
Here are the Full Top 15 Results |
M1 | GH- e-LEMON-ators | Josiah Swaffer | Boogie Fuller |
M2 | GM- Tabernacle 2 | Waffa Nasr | Fadi Nasr |
M3 | GT- The Challenge of Challengelessness | Joseph Young | Sawyer Baggett |
M4 | RD- Stand Fast | Ellie Myers | Madison Avery |
Here are the Semifinal and Final Results |
M5 | RC- Just Kidding | Josh Schuyler | Kayla Popkin |
M6 | RI- The Past and the Present | Tom Swinton | Isaac Schuyler |
M7 | RQ- East and West | Lydia Crosby | Destiny Wells |
M8 | GQ- C squared | Abigail Crosby | Bethany Carnell |
M9 | GB- J & J | Joy Fonte | Jillian Simmons |
M10 | RA- Sudden Destruction | Lloyd Myers | Anna Lynn Myers |
M11 | RV- Sweet Tea | Priscilla Fuller | Kaili Swaffer |
M12 | RB- Super Awesome Amazing Enthusiastic Jumping Noodle Squad | Andrew Fonte | Caleb Davis |
M13 | GA- Possessed Vessels | Rosa Myers | Susanna Myers |
M14 | GS- Faster than Rush Hour | David Jones | Adam Eastland |
M15 | RT- Living H2O | Hannah Huckaby | Olivia Huckaby |
Here are the full standings of the Top Consolation Division |
C1 | RS- Fishers of Answers | Eric Carnell | Joshua Grimm |
C2 | RF- The Moms | Kim Popkin | Ruth Gould |
C3 | RM- Tabernacle 1 | Scott Couick | Josiah Couick |
C4 | RO- Tabernacle 5 | Titus Boyce | Ethan Leonard |
Here are the Semifinal and Final Results |
C5 | GC- Girls Worth Fighting For | Leah Sorgius | Ashley Hall |
C6 | GD- Not Tellin' | Lydia Davis | Naomi Davis |
C7 | GL- Abounding More and More | Carrie Whitehead | Isaac Whitehead |
C8 | GP- The Mini Fireballs | Samuel Unger | Abigail Unger |
C9 | GK- Glory and Joy | Robin Floyd | Naomi Floyd |
C10 | GO- Tabernacle 6 | Tori Boyce | Sarah Nasr |
C11 | GN- Tabernacle 4 | Michael Leonard | David Leonard |
C12 | RP- Tabernacle 7 | Mark Boyce | Stephen Leonard |
C13 | RK- Slammin' Tappers | Caitlin Douglas | Hannah Walker |
C14 | RN- Tabernacle 3 | Matthew Baker | Nathan Couick |
Here are the Full Standings to the Consolation |
| B3- The Magician's Nephew | Noah Stratton | CJ Cox |