Recent Tournaments

Podcast! Season 16, Episode 6
In this episode, Micah and David provide their takeaways from the Falls Baptist Invitational and the trio attempts to answer the mailbag question “What makes a good quizmaster?”
Cullen Baggett

Podcast! Season 16, Episode 4
Join Dave Roberts and Micah Folkers as they give some important news regarding the upcoming Wisconsin Invitational tournament and show off some new BQI merch!
Micah Folkers

GAQSS 2024 Review (Podcast 16.3)
A lot of things went down at the Greenville Spectacular, including the network! Watch some highlights from the tournament, check out the stats, and get a quizmaster’s perspective on the day from Cullen.
Micah Folkers

CAST 2024 Review
The California Annual Spectacular Tournament was the largest West Coast spectacular tournament since pre-COVID years—27 teams altogether. Brother Ralph Yuvienco of Bethel Baptist Carson hosted the tournament…
Allison Castner

The Africa Report: What Happened in Nigeria
When Micah told me about the possibility of starting Bible quizzing in Nigeria, I was so excited about it because of the love that I have for getting to guide Africans to memorize God’s Word…
Godwill Penn

Podcast! Season 16, Episode 2
Micah and Stephen Jr. debrief over the Midwest Area Spectacular in Wisconsin, highlighting the best teams, craziest moments, and the things that blew them away about this tournament and the Scripture it covered.