Spectacular Tournament Rules
- Quiz Officials
- Quizmaster
- The quizmaster is the presiding head official during every quiz of the Spectacular.
- The quizmaster is responsible for asking the Bible quiz questions.
- The quizmaster is responsible for judging the correctness of all answers.
- The quizmaster is the only official who can award or disallow points.
- The quizmaster may confer with the other officials concerning the correctness of an answer, but the final decision lies fully with him.
- The quizmaster has the authority to call an official time out at any time.
- Judge - Most Spectacular Quizzes will not use a judge. The judge is to be the official timekeeper.
- The judge is to help watch the light panel.
- The judge may, when asked by the quizmaster, help judge the answers.
- Scorekeeper
- The scorekeeper is responsible for the accurate recording of a quiz. They must accurately record the following:
- Individual correct and incorrect answers
- Question number
- The scorekeeper may assist the quizmaster in judging.
- The scorekeeper is responsible for the accurate recording of a quiz. They must accurately record the following:
- Quizmaster
- Quizzers
- Each team will consist of exactly two members.
- Please follow PQA dress standards.
- Each team must have some relationship to either PQA or SCQANIT or another of the major KJV Tournaments such as CIT or the Athens' New Year's Tournament, etc.
Almost any relationship to the league or tournament will work even if you have never participated in either but have been a spectator or are related to someone who has or is involved with PQA or SCQANIT.
- Quiz Procedure
- Questions
- Each question must be from one of the following categories:
- There are two types of interrogative questions (who, what, when, why, how, where):
- Partial reference questions must contain a book and chapter citation (e.g. “Who was the mother of Jesus in Matthew 1?”
Answer: “Mary.”) - Full reference questions contain the entire reference at the beginning of the question (e.g. “According to Matthew 1:21, what shall they call His name?” Answer: “Jesus.”)
- Partial reference questions must contain a book and chapter citation (e.g. “Who was the mother of Jesus in Matthew 1?”
- “Finish this verse” (or “Finish these two/three verses”) questions contain at least the first five words of a verse. The quizzer must quote the remainder of the verse verbatim to answer the question.
- “Quote this verse” (or “Quote these two/three verses”) questions will contain the full reference of a verse. The quizzer must quote the entire verse verbatim to answer the question.
- For “Give the reference” questions, the quizmaster will read a verse, phrase, or a word. The quizzer must give the full reference: book, chapter, and verse. The question will begin with one of the following:
- “Give the reference that contains the following verse,
- “Give the reference that contains the following phrase,
- “Give the reference that contains the following word,
- There are two types of interrogative questions (who, what, when, why, how, where):
- Each quiz will consist of fifteen questions for three team quizzing.
- Any question asked is a question whether it is answered correctly, answered incorrectly or not answered. If a quizmaster deems that a question was misread a replacement question may be used but this is entirely up to quizmaster discretion. A quiz does NOT have to end on a correctly answered question.
- In the case of a tie after fifteen questions, the set of tiebreakers given will determine placement in Round Robin (i.e., no question will be asked). In a Playoff-type match, tiebreaker questions will be given.
- If a tiebreaker is given in a Playoff quiz and one team involved in the tie has no one available, the entire question will be read to the remaining team, and the quizzer on that team with fewer points will be required to answer that question. Neglecting to answer such a question is treated like an error.
- Answering questions should be done according to the following:
- The answer may not contain any incorrect information.
- The answer must be completed within thirty seconds from the time the quizzer is recognized.
- Time begins when the quizzer is recognized.
- The quizzer should be seated after finishing his answer.
- The quizmaster will not rule any answer correct until the quizzer is seated or the thirty seconds has elapsed.
- A verse quoted verbatim will only be accepted as an answer if it contains no unnecessary information.
- Paraphrasing is allowed under the following stipulations:
- Use of a part for the whole (e.g. “Jesus” for “Jesus Christ,” or “Peter” for “Simon Peter”)
- Use of substituted words that have identical meanings (e.g. “Holy Spirit” for “Holy Ghost,” or “pigs” for “swine,” or “donkey” for “ass,” or “food” for “victuals,” or “house” for “home,” or “Messiah” for “Christ”)
- Use of substituted prepositions or articles (e.g. “a house” for “an house,” or “went into the room” for “went in the room”)
- Rearranging the words to form a coherent sentence.
- Use of a pronoun when the antecedent is mentioned in the question.
- Use of a pronoun when the antecedent is not mentioned in the verse(s)/chapter given in the question.
- Paraphrasing is NOT accepted under these conditions:
- Use of generic terms for specific (e.g. “temple” for “synagogue”)
- Substituting titles when the verse uses a specific title (e.g. “Jesus” for “Son of God,” or “God” for “The Father”).
- Use of a pronoun when the antecedent is not mentioned in the question and is clearly in the verse(s)/chapter given.
- Use of a group when only part of the group is specified (e.g. “Pharisees” for “the strictest sect of the Pharisees”)
- When the quizzer gives information that, although correct, is not part of the question or answer, it will be considered an error because the quizzer provided too much information that could have answered many different questions.
- Each question must be from one of the following categories:
- Scoring
- Twenty points will be given to all six participants at the beginning of the quiz.
- Twenty points will be awarded for every correct answer to a question.
- Ten point penalties will be given for every error.
- Quizzing out
- Any quizzer answering four questions, in any combination of right or wrong has “quizzed out” and must be taken out of the quiz.
- “Top Quizzers” are determined by the highest average points per quiz.
- Time limitations
- Ten seconds are given to jump once the quizmaster has finished reading a question. If no quizzer jumps, the next question is read.
- Thirty seconds are given for the quizzer to complete the answer once he is recognized. A quizzer does not have to begin an answer within 10 seconds.
- Interrupted questions: A quizzer may jump at any time during the reading of the question. The quizmaster will then stop and recognize the quizzer. The quizzer must then answer the question without any further information. If the quizmaster has not started the relevant part of the question, they (the quizzer whose light is on and their partner) will merely be eliminated from that question. If pertinent information has been read, then the quizzer will be given a chance to answer and the answer will result in an error or correct. No other penalty will be given.
- Time-outs
- There are no time-outs given to the teams in these quizzes.
- The quizmaster will call an official time-out after questions five, ten, and fourteen. The purpose is to review the score.
- Each time-out is ten to thirty seconds in length, at the complete discretion of the quizmaster.
- Errors--an error occurs when, in the judgment of the quizmaster, the quizzer:
- Gives incorrect information.
- Gives too much information.
- Fails to complete his answer before time is called.
- Challenges - There are NO challenges in this event.
- Fouls - There are NO fouls in this event. A team may be disqualified from the next question for egregious behavior including the following:
- Displaying an improper attitude.
- Answering a question when the quizzer's light is not lit. If his teammate's light is on, the quizmaster will give an error to the aggressive answerer.
- Talking from the time a question begins to be asked until points are awarded.
- A coach or quizzer speaking out during quizzing or trying to influence the decision of the quizmaster.
- Jumping before the question has been asked.
- The King James Version will be used in this competition.
- After the morning rounds all teams will be placed into the Championship Finals Flight or a Consolation Flight. All teams will be included in these flights regardless of records in morning quizzing.
- Questions
Still have questions? Maybe these PDFs will help: