Results of 2020-21 Tournaments

Tournament Date(s)NameLocationWinner
May 2, 2020Kickoff ClassicTravelers Rest, SCThe Van Clan (Falls)
June 6, 2020CASTCanoga Park, CACloser to Cuba or Canada?
July 11, 2020MASSMenomonee Falls, WIBad & Boujee
August 5, 2020FQA AugustVirtualNew Testament
September 5, 2020FQA SeptemberVirtualNacho and Friends
October 5, 2020FQA OctoberVirtualNacho and Friends
November 9, 2019FQA NovemberVirtualFalls
November 13-14, 2020Wisconsin InvitationalMukwonago, WIOld Paths
December 5, 2020Smoky Mountain Fill-in TournamentFloral City, FLNew Testament
January 20, 2021FQA JanuaryVirtualNacho and Friends
January 23, 2021Falls Baptist InvitationalMenomonee Falls, WIOld Paths
February 12-13, 2021CI (Colorado Invitational)Denver, CONew Testament
February 17, 2021FQA FebruaryVirtualNacho and Friends
March 15, 2021SCQANITEasley, SCFalls 1
March 18, VTOCVirtualNacho and Friends
April 16-17, 2021AACS NationalsMcQuady, KYPA (Old Paths)