Zyhaus’s Fearsome 5

By Ron Zyhaus

This is the beginning of my month long series of articles on the best quizzers and teams that you will see this year. This first list contains five quizzers who will make other teams quiver whenever they face them—in other words, these are the five best quizzers that can be found.

1. Tim Keenan
This guy is vicious. Okay, if you meet him in the street or something like that, he’s probably not going to hurt you, but decked out in his suit and tie on quiz day, there’s no one more intimidating that Tim Keenan.

He’s been one of my favorite quizzers for the past couple of years now. Some people have given a bad rap for “choking” in the finals at AACS, but I don’t think that will be happening any more.

With fast jumps and right answers, Tim Keenan leads a stacked Old Paths team to what could be their best season ever.

2. Abby Carbonell
When I started thinking about my Fearsome 5, Abby was the first person to come to mind. And right up until I actually starting writing the article, she was the person I had in mind to be in the #1 spot. Granted, the first two are basically indistinguishable. Tim might get a couple more right, but he’ll probably get a couple more wrong. Abby won’t chew up as many questions in a quiz. Really what it came down to was that Tim’s going into his final year, Abby’s just starting 9th grade. Slight edge to Tim, but give Abby the whole season to prove herself because she’s not the type that wants to be second in anything—not even on this old man’s list.

Abby’s new status as a high school student sets up possibly the best rivalry in Bible Quiz that we’ve seen in a while. Her FBCCF team should give Old Paths (everyone’s early favorite) a run for their money. Remember Abby’s middle school team beat Old Paths at SCQANIT.

Watch out for Abby Carbonell. We’ve got four more years of watching this outstanding talent quiz. Take advantage of it, you may not see another like her for years to come.

3. Jonathan Bishop
I admit it. I’m a big Jonathan Bishop fan. He was slightly disappointing last year, and a lot of people say that his best quizzing days are behind him. It’s possible. But I don’t think so. With the loss of Tiffany Parrott, one of the cornerstones of Faith’s program, a lot will be put on Jonathan’s shoulders.

He’ll quiz more similarly to Abby than to Tim—that good ole PQA style. Expect him to take home some top quizzer awards this year. And with some help from younger brother, Joshua, Jonathan can give Faith another great season.

4. Matt Harwood
Harwood and Tim Keenan make up the best one-two punch in all of Bible Quiz (if you add in Grace Keenan, best one-two-three punch—or can you even have that??). His style fits well with Tim’s. Harwood is the quote and finish guy who would be good enough to take a team far by himself. But he has let the team goals come before his own. Harwood’s selflessness is a big reason for Old Paths continued success.

5. Jeremy Barker
Jeremy Barker returns after winning the National Championship. What should we expect? Well, I think that Barker is a great quizzer. I don’t know if he’s quite at the same level as Abby and Tim, but come on, who is?

Barker will also suffer from losing teammate John Borkert. There’s no question that Barker will be the man on his team, but it’s always nice to have some competition between teammates. Barker has a lot on his shoulders this year, but he has already proved that he can handle the pressure.

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