A Week in the FQA

Since we’ve been talking about early events, I thought I’d write about a week of events in the league that started it all for me–the FQA. I am taking the week of October 4-11. A week of 4 FQA events that featured a total of 29 teams, covering 17 different ministries and, believe it or not, 5 different subsections of Corinthians. We will also mention a 5th FQA event that was not meant to be.
On Monday, the division that started it all (the I-4 division) had its monthly competition. Director Matt West was disappointed that 4 RAMS teams that had initially planned to come in addition to two VETS teams were not there. Nonetheless, there was some great competition. For the first time in over a year, FBC-CF was not the top seed in the round robin. You know that means that the other teams are catching up. When you are used to more, 9 teams is kind of a let down, but we you have this much quality, teams from around the country would likely appreciate a mini-tournament with 9 teams.

Tuesday and Wednesday were down days for Bible Quiz (something about West needing to work), but then Thursday started a quizzer’s dream. On Thursday, the I-65 division of the FQA had another go at it. The longest running Alabama team in the FQA (Cornerstone) took on challengers like the 6 consecutive year ACEA champion (Madison Baptist), and the FQA Atlanta Springboard champ (Bible Methodist). Admittedly, I was not at this event, but I hear this division is growing and will soon become the second strongest division in the FQA.

Friday was a day of RAMS I-85 competition. There were 7 RAMS teams and these teams were good. Everyone associated with Bible Quiz has heard of Jacob Varaghese, but he had a team of supporters that led them to an undefeated championship for Southside. Eagle’s Landing had a team of completely new quizzers, as Collin Rogers was unable to attend, that overcame some early struggles to finish in second place. If they continue to improve, watch out Jacob. Amazingly, there were 7 other RAMS teams that have attended an event already this year in I-85 that didn’t make it. We could have the biggest non-Finals RAMS event next month in Greenville.

Saturday was the third annual Midseason Invitational. As David Poston discussed, there was a drop off in the number of teams. The excuses ranged from hurricane fallout to attending in West Virginia to a lack of a bus driver, but nevertheless six different ministries were represented. While only one of them brought more than one team, that is still not a bad number of ministries. While the number of teams was low, I think both Athens and FBCCF will be top 5 teams this year. And mark this–I think Temple from NC will surprise a few teams this year. I don’t think they’ll win, but they will upset someone big in a big tournament this year. They are solid.

Now, on Monday the 11th, we had 5 ministries from “South” Florida planning to quiz, but hurricane damage being what it is, the host had no electricity. So, in what many would call a very enthusiastic week of Bible Quiz was a huge disappointment for Matt West and his FQA cohorts. Still, because of the FQA, 17 different ministries had a chance to quiz (and 5 more would have) in a one week span. Also, they custom made quizzes for groups that overlapped in material. Isn’t the FQA great?

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