Matt West, Brant Callaway, and David Poston were all holed up in the Hampton Inn in Greenville. While watching the Tri-Fecta on ESPN, they came up with their predictions for Tuesday.
Matt West
Surprise team:
West Virginia – I have become increasingly impressed with their ability to snag middle wins out of the jaws of defeat.
Teams that will advance to Thursday:
Florida – no losses
Kentucky – no losses
New York – 1 loss
David Poston
Surprise team:
Wisconsin – This newcomer has a veteran coach who could lead them deep into the tournament.
Teams that will advance to Thursday:
Florida – no losses
Colorado – 1 loss
New York – 1 loss
Kentucky – 1 loss
Brant Callaway
Surprise team:
Virginia – I don’t know these guys, but they had to beat Spring City and Rosedale to get here so they must be doing something right.
Teams that will advance to Thursday:
Kentucky – no losses
Florida – 1 loss
New York – 1 loss
Pennsylvania – 1 loss