What do you think is the best national tournament?
– interested, FL
Well, interested, that is one very broad question. AACS is obviously the most prestigious; the one that if you were only going to win one, this would be the one to win. New Year’s Classic has a very deep field and the best middle school tournament. Colorado is known for being extremely well run. SCQANIT gives everyone a chance to compete right before nationals has, in my opinion, the best questions. I think just being called a national tournament means that you are doing something very right.
I guess all this talk is avoiding the question. And here at Startup Your Week, we promise you a straight answer. At this moment…I think that SCQANIT is the best national tournament. By virtue of being during the last week of the Bible Quiz year, they get everyone at their peak strength. They have the best questions. They don’t have the problems of getting everyone to quiz that AACS does.
This seems like a good one to get some discussion postings on. So get to posting, and get to sending me more questions. One question a week just isn’t challenging me much. Ask me anything you want…I’ll have the answer.