The 5th Annual DC Invitational has made kind of a huge change. It will be hosted by Parsippany, which is 30 minutes outside of the Newark Airport. Friend of this website, Dan Ellenwood, has decided to keep his own webpage that will continue to update on the tournament (
In this tournament’s short 5 year history, it has boasted some quality teams every year. For those flying, it is just as easy to fly to the New York City area as it is the DC area (not to mention Parsippany is closer to the airport than Fresta Valley or CrossRoads are). For those up north driving, this location is a little further north, so you could come with more ease. For those coming from the South, like me, it is at most 3 hours and 51 minutes further according to MapQuest from my room here at Tech. For those headed up I-95, obviously the difference would be closer to an hour and a half.
For an early read on which teams are coming, obviously Parsippany will be there. A couple of teams from Heritage in New York should be there. Woodside is coming. Old Paths is coming. And other teams who have given Mr. Douglas a big, fat maybe are Faith (SC), Calvary (FL), Open Door, Calvary (SC), Temple, and Schaumburg (IL).
If you have any interest in coming to this tournament, please email Mr. Douglas at We hope you can all come.