The State of Bible Quiz

Exciting Times

If you watched or listened to the latest podcast with Matt West, you could not help but to hear how “very excited” we are about the future of Bible Quiz and this website. As is the case most years, this site will ramp up its coverage of the Quiz season as the New Year approaches. While the site has great plans for increased coverage of several tournaments this year, I personally am thrilled about a series of articles we will be releasing toward the end of this month. Former quizzing greats will be stopping by to share how quiz has impacted their lives and what they are doing in life now. We are working to get a few more quizzers involved, but already have a great list compiled.

Quiz Is Growing

Though it is sad to see some programs disappearing when they do not have quizzers to replace seniors, the plethora of new teams should have quiz fans overjoyed. Mukwonago WI jumped onto the national quiz scene a few years ago and has been a force to be reckoned with since. Following suit, Kettle Moraine and Falls Baptist have put Wisconsin into the conversation for best Bible Quiz state. The quiz world has seen increased participation in Colorado, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, etc. Perhaps the most visible evidence of the growth of quiz is put on display in March at Asheville, North Carolina. While the Blue Ridge Invitational may not carry the luster of the Grand Slam (New Year’s Classic, Colorado Invitational, SCQANIT, AACS nationals) tournaments, it is growing at an unheard of rate. Simply put, the tournament’s host facility has run out of room as more than 40 teams have participated. The Piedmont (PQA) and Florida (FQA) quizzing associations continue to see 10-20 ministries involved. This year, SCQANIT and New Year’s Classic should expect record participation as the southeast continues to pump out new teams.

New Year’s Classic Coverage

The Colorado Invitational has set the bar for integrating technology and social media into its tournament. Last year, families, friends, and fans could see near instant updates, video interviews, and live quizzing online from the Denver tournament. While we have not determined to what extent we will be able to match that effort, we can say affirmatively that’s coverage of the Athens New Year’s Classic will be better than ever. The tournament is also planning some substantial changes for 2012. As soon as we are able, we will pass that information on to you. Also, if your team/ministry is interested in attending the New Year’s Classic but has never received registration information, you may contact me at or Jack Bamford at for that information.

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