April CQA Tournament

After the first tournament in Cameroon, some more churches were interested in joining the CQA, but didn’t know what to do. In the days following, I spent six weeks traveling around the country, encouraging these quizzers who were weak due to their low understanding of Bible quizzing and how they were beaten during their first time of quizzing. I also helped to start new quiz teams in two other churches. In addition to these, other preparation updates were given to the various coaches through a WhatsApp group. Through a generous financial donation, all the quizzers were transported to Bafoussam for the contest.
The more involved you get with the Word of God, the more your love for His Word increases. We had fourteen teams at our tournament in January, but in April we had sixteen teams with over 90 quizzers and more than 130 in attendance. “This tournament is more challenging and interesting than the first one,” said some quizzers and coaches while they quizzed over Matthew 1-7. Elizabeth Needham also testified that Bible quizzing has helped improve the reading skills of most of the kids in her house. “Their best game in the house is Bible quizzing,” she said.
It is difficult to have a tournament without obstacles. On April 3rd, one of the major difficulties we had was with the score spreadsheets and quiz boxes, because they weren’t responding as they were intended to. Because of this, it was very late that night by the time I went and secured hotel rooms for some of the quizzers. It was not possible to get taxis to transport the quizzers at that late hour, so missionary Sam Sanderlin agreed to transport some through his car, and then got stopped by the police due to the late hour. They were kept standing at the checkpoint for a while before the police allowed them to go. Some of the remaining quizzers that were still at the radio house had to escape the police by trekking through dark and scary roads. Most of the quiz masters and some quizzers slept on the floor at the radio house. Though Wednesday night was challenging, God still led everything safely and there were no accidents. On Thursday morning, everyone came back to the radio house, and the team from Bamenda also arrived that same morning. After serving breakfast, everyone proceeded with the elimination rounds, with everything working smoothly as intended. All these teams are now working hard on memorizing Matthew chapters 8,10, 18, and 20-23 in addition to chapters 1-7 as they prepare for the upcoming tournament on July 17th.
As testified by the quizzers, it was a challenging contest! Knowing what they were coming to face at the tournament created a prepared mindset for the quizzers, and even though the team from Faith Bamenda came in that same morning, they ended up standing as the overall winners and took the trophy to Faith Baptist Bamenda. Biblical Baptist Yaounde had second position, Great Commission Kamkop was third, and Bible Light Kribi was fourth with just three quizzers.
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